Jim Highsmith is one of the 17 signatories who met in Snowbird, Utah and gave us the gift of the […]
Category: lithespeed
Agile Caravanserai: Journey with us
How are agilists faring in the pandemic? How are we finding meaning and purpose in these troubled times? How can […]
How to Fail (or Not) in Agile Product Management
What are the most common mistakes made by organizations when trying to apply agile methods to product management, and […]
Book Review: Software Estimation Without Guessing
If there’s one consistent source of confusion and controversy among the agile practices that LitheSpeed’s clients utilize, it’s estimation. Should […]
20 Questions: User Stories
Agile team mentor Lisa Mabli is putting the magnifying glass on user stories in this fun, live session. One of […]
20 Questions about Story Pointing
[gdlr_video url=”https://youtu.be/8Qf4XMKztTE” ] Do we have to use planning poker? Agile team mentor Lisa Mabli puts the magnifying glass on […]
Company Culture & Policies that Help in a Pandemic
LitheSpeed Founder and CEO Sanjiv Augustine recently shared his insights and the lessons his teams learned in over a decade […]
Book Notes: Creating Great Teams: How Self-Selection Lets People Excel
Arlen’s Appreciative Book Inquiries explores Creating Great Teams: How Self-Selection Lets People Excel by Sandy Mamoli and David Mole How do you […]
Getting Leadership (and Other People) As Interested As You Are In Your Agile Adoption
It’s not as hard as you might think to get leadership teams (and others) engaged in the effort to adopt […]
Backlog Refinement: How to Effectively Estimate 12+ Stories Per Hour
by Lisa Mabli, Managing Agile Consultant What does it look like to do Backlog Refinement the right way? What I […]