The parable Ever heard the story about the blind men and an elephant? In various versions of the tale, a group […]
Category: Agile Tools
Defining Ready and Done
When leading development teams, I see most of the wasted activities happen during the development phase. If work is not […]
Monumental Agile Adoption – Part 2
Some weeks ago, I blogged about Monumental Agile Adoption. That is, large scale adoptions involving several 1000s of people. Even […]
A Conversation on Using Agile at the Program Level
As organizations scale to more agile teams, a shift to agile program management is inevitable. In this podcast, Bob Payne […]
“Monumental” Agile Adoption
Some years ago, I had the privilege of being involved in a massive agile adoption at Capital One. That adoption […]
Free Agile Tool!
Did that get your attention? We all love a freebie now and then, but I think our friend David Bland […]
Widespread (Though Fragmented) Agile Adoption Continues
For the past couple of years, our friends at Cutter Consortium have requested me to contribute to their set of […]
Agile Teams – Serving Many Masters?
One Team with Many Projects In many of the organizations where we consult, teams have a plethora of stakeholders to […]
Gantt Charts for Agile? By David Bulkin
Gantt Charts are commonly used to visually represent dependencies and progress against milestones and activities. They are often viewed as […]
Some time ago, I was approached by Joseph Flahiff, who was interested in hearing details about how agile and waterfall […]