Timing: 1 Hour
Journey Line template and a white board.
- Select a Time Frame to cover (for this particular retrospective it’s better suited to cover longer periods of time: past release, last few iterations, etc,).
- Individual Reflection. Have individuals draw their journey line over the given timeframe on the template provided, annotating highs and lows (Demonstrate on Whiteboard). 5-10 minutes.
- Pair Share. Have each member pick a partner and share their Journey lines with each other. 10 Minutes.
- Group Draw. Have each member come up and trace their journey line that they drew on their paper, on the whiteboard. Give them the option to share their high/low points or not. (Drawings should overlap). 15-20 Minutes depending on group size
- Pattern Analysis. Identify key areas of overlap. Ask the group why they think that is? Is it related or just coincidental? Are there any outliers? 20 Minutes
Learning Outcomes:
1. Gain visibility into common high points and low points through pattern analysis of overlapping journey lines. Often times that “major” low point or high point that registered during a retrospective isn’t a blip on the team’s collective journey. Conversely enduring highs/lows will register.
2. Team members will gain empathy into one another’s personal journey.
Facilitator Tips:
- Give member the option to opt out of explaining their highs and lows to the whole group (some may not want to share in a large setting)
- If you are a member of the team, kick off the group draw first.
- Don’t skip the individual journey line portion, it helps prevent group think.
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Build your coaching toolkit in our ICAgile Agile Team Facilitation workshop – coming up October 2017.