John Halberstadt presented at our LitheSpeed Livestream on July 20th at 12pm ET.


Getting started with Agile estimation – the “what”, some techniques on “how” and most importantly – “the why”

Estimation is often a topic of “spirited debate” in many organizations and the agile community.  Some find great value in estimation, some find it wasteful.  We believe that estimation can be valuable, if approached thoughtfully and incorporated into teams’ ways of working for the “right” reasons.
Please join us for a brief, focused livestream event where we cover the basics of estimation for those who have limited or no familiarity on why we estimate our work, some simple techniques to get started with estimation, and some common challenges and related suggestions on how to address them in your organization.


John is LitheSpeed’s Director of Agile Consulting, as well as an Enterprise Agile Consultant, Coach and Trainer. He leverages more than two decades of executive leadership experience as a CIO, CTO and Vice President of Technology, helping enterprises deliver business value through agile and lean approaches.

John has led successful agile transformation efforts extensively in the Finance and Insurance domains since the mid-2000s. He additionally has helped guide organizations in additional industries as diverse as Healthcare, Retail, Utilities and Artificial Intelligence on their path to greater agility and value realization from their technology investments.

Watch the recording:
