Tricia Broderick joined the DC Lean+Agile Meetup on August 9th @ 12 PM ET.


Diminishing Power Dynamics

There always seems to be organizational elephants, you know, the issues that cannot be openly discussed. Sure, sometimes there are confidential requirements. However, most of the time this is from the lack of diminishing power dynamics. And no, a leader saying, “Just consider me one of the team”, won’t work.

Join this session to examine how leaders can leverage “power with” for four power dynamics to help build empowered teams. Expect to discover the truth behind some of your participation in team power dynamics. And, walk away with new ideas for increasing team resiliency so they can handle any situation.

About Our Speaker:

Tricia Broderick, co-author of Lead without Blame, is a leadership and organizational advisor. With over twenty-five years of experience, her transformational leadership ignites the growth of leaders and resilient high-performing teams to deliver quality outcomes.

Tricia boldly role models putting people first. Her aim is to create inclusive connections and collaborations that challenge and support people in an authentic, vulnerable, and engaging way. She is a highly-rated trainer, coach, facilitator, and motivational keynote speaker. In 2020, she founded Ignite Insight + Innovation.

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