Come visit us at AgileDC!

We are excited here at LitheSpeed to be involved in the AgileDC 2011 conference. We are a platinum sponsor of the event and three of us will be at the podium at one point or another throughout the day. Sanjiv Augustine is one of the keynote speakers along with Ken Schwaber. Derek Huether will be speaking on the new PMI ACP certification and the process that brought it to the Agile community. I (Bob Payne) work with a great group of volunteer organizers as chair of the AgileDC 2011 conference.

The conference is organized into 6 tracks and offers something for everyone, including our friends and clients in the government sector. These tracks include:

  • Introduction to Agile
  • Agile Engineering Practices
  • Agile in Government
  • Enterprise Agile
  • Agile & Business
  • Open Track for advanced and self organized sessions

The conference is happening on Wednesday October 26th, 2011, at the Kellogg Conference Hotel, Washington DC. Visit for information and registration.

LitheSpeed is happy to be able to offer a discount code to get you in for 15% off the regular ticket price; just use this code: AgileDCSponsorLSpeedGuest

I look forward to seeing you there and don’t forget to say Hi!

Bob Payne

Vice President


Organizer AgileDC 2011

