
Swimming Upstream: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Journey from Waterfall to Agile IT Development

Bill Pratt will join the DC Lean + Agile Meetup on Wednesday, February 8th at 12pm ET to discuss the journey DHS has taken over the past decade to transition from Waterfall IT development to Agile IT development and to its current efforts to implement Secure DevOps. The challenges imposed by a relatively rigid government budget and acquisition process has led to unique implementations of Agile and DevOps at DHS.

About Our Speaker:

Join Bill Pratt from DHS.

Bill is the Director of Strategic Technology Management in the Office of the Chief Technology Officer at DHS. He leads IT Acquisition and Systems Engineering Governance, Program Health
Assessments, Program Support, and Digital Transformation at DHS. This includes the Agile and Secure DevOps (SecDevOps) Centers of Excellence.

Bill and his team coordinated the adoption of Agile software development as the required process at DHS. They achieved a 100 percent agile adoption rate for software development projects supporting major DHS investments in 2017. Bill then led the DHS Agile Acquisition Transformation effort, working with partner offices to streamline the entire IT acquisition lifecycle at DHS using lean and agile techniques.

Currently, Bill’s team is marshaling the use of SecDevOps across DHS. He also has established a new Emerging Technologies branch to introduce and implement Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation, and Low Code/No Code solutions. Bill has 40 years of experience in IT acquisition and systems engineering, supporting the federal government, private industry, and the DoD.

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