At LitheSpeed, we believe in fostering a vibrant and collaborative community through our Agile meetups and Agile learning resources. Join our Agile meetups below to connect with like-minded professionals, and stay at the forefront of industry trends. These gatherings provide a unique livestream opportunity to engage with experts in Agile methodologies, offering insights into the latest tools, techniques, and best practices.

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Our commitment to Agile learning goes beyond our livestream Agile meetups and encompasses a wealth of resources such as Agile blogs authored by our experts. Dive into thought-provoking articles that delve into agile leadership, emerging trends, and practical tips to further enrich your Agile learning and growth.

Upcoming Agile Events

Global VMO Exchnage (1600 x 900 px) (1)

Global VMO Exchange

Meetup Graphics 2 (57)

Evolution of Delivery

Website events image (65)

Establishing your Agile VMO Series: Accelerating Implementation with Generative AI

Meetup Graphics 2 (51)

Gen Z in Action: Leading Corporate Sustainability with Agile Principles




The Agile VMO Copilot stands as a pivotal resource for organizations navigating the complexities of Lean Portfolio Management and Adaptive Governance, facilitating a seamless transition towards enhanced strategic, portfolio, and team agility. Expertly merging best practices and insights from renowned Agile frameworks and methodologies, it offers tailored advice to boost organizational adaptive capabilities.

From PMO to VMO

Managing for Value Delivery

"A game changer for those struggling to align PMOs with their agile business and culture."


Blogs + Latest Learning

1-Page Introduction to Agile Methods

Agility is the ability to create and adapt to change. Agile software development methods include: Scrum, ...

Slides from Agile 2007 Conference Session

At this year's Agile conference I presented a session titled Transitioning to Agile Project Management. You ...

Agile Model Evolution, Part 2: Small is Beautiful

From my vantage point, I see more and more companies adopting Agile methods (some perhaps to ...

Agile Model Evolution, Part 1: Go Lean!

One of the hot topics in the corridors at the recently concluded Agile 2007 conference was ...

So, How’s that Agile Initiative Doing?

In my previous posting, Getting Started with Agile Delivery, I provided some guidelines to help you ...

A values-driven definition of success

In setting up LitheSpeed, at one point we were trying to define what it was what ...

Agile Project Management – The Project Manager as Leader

A discussion that comes up perennially on the Agile user groups is one that pits the ...

Getting Started with Agile Delivery – Part 2 of 2

Delivering that First Agile Project "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single ...

Getting Started with Agile Delivery – Part 1 of 2

Agile methods (Scrum, eXtreme Programming, Crystal, Feature Driven Development, etc.) have been moving into the mainstream ...

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