A full house of 150 agile practitioners and aspiring agilists came together last week at LitheSpeed’s 4th annual Lean+Agile DC conference. Agile Beyond IT – To Agility and Beyond took us into the realm of agile outside the tech sector, and our Agile job fair created some buzz and lasting connections.
#LeanAgileDC crowd is out of this ???? pic.twitter.com/XH7QcYpZWs
— LitheSpeed (@lithespeed) May 10, 2017
As a young agilist, I often stay in the mindset that agile only applies in the tech industry; develop software, test it, and get some customer feedback before doing it all again. This conference brought me out of that and – as the event organizer – taught me how to use agile to make it our most successful conference to date.
Our speakers came from virtually (that’s a tech pun) every industry. We had seasoned agile vets from tech, a real estate entrepreneur, folks from Fairfax County Public Schools, an artistic director from a theater company, and a slew of others who showed us how to use agile and lean practices in nearly every facet of our lives.
@BethMiller1024 Agile in the Federal Government panel, moderated by Josh Seckel at #LeanAgileDC @lithespeed pic.twitter.com/7jQ0wfUken
— Sanjiv Augustine (@saugustine) May 10, 2017
The entire day was filled with enthusiastic chatter, engaging sponsors (thanks guys!), and out-of-this-world presentations. We hope you enjoyed Lean+Agile as much as we did.
As one of our previous conferences reminded us, we tend to lose sight of where the heart of agile really is. With all of these growing areas of awesome agileness comes the chance to take Agile and Lean 101 concepts and apply it to multiple industries. Agile Beyond IT allows agile to be omni-directional – to boldy go where no agile has gone before. I know I’m thrilled to learn how agile and lean is expanding and all of us at LitheSpeed hope you are too.
#ourfcps speaking about #agile @lithespeed #LeanAgileDC pic.twitter.com/jMEsOykcrO
— Amanda Geary (@MGWhoNo1Follows) May 10, 2017
See photos from the day here. If you’re interested in journeying beyond IT, join one of our upcoming 1-day workshops and learn with us:
Behavior-Driven Development for the Whole Team
Interested in speaking or sponsoring next year’s Lean+Agile conference? Let us know at lsevents@lithespeed.com