We are headed to Pittsburgh for Heart of Agile 2017 this week.  Rumor has it we’ll be on a boat.

Here’s the Heart of Agile lowdown from the site:

“The Heart of Agile is focused on getting back to the basics of Agile. In the last 15 years Agile has been weighed down with frameworks and practices of many shapes and sizes. At the Heart of Agile are 4 key concepts: Collaborate, Deliver, Reflect and Improve. From this center we can branch out to all of the principals, practices, skills, and tools.”

Ever fans of open space, Beth and Sanjiv are looking forward to leading one of the event’s Collaborative Conversations around Disruptive Innovation.  If you’ll be there, catch it on Day 1 at 11:45.  Check out the full schedule here.

Hope to see you there!
