David Frink will be joining the DC Lean + Agile Meetup on July 10th at 12pm ET.


Coaching leaders is challenging. Gaining invitation, developing trust, and creating rapport are challenging. And many great coaches, scrum masters and change agents find that when they do get that invitation, the types of conversations that worked well with teams just aren’t effective with managers, leaders and executives.

Leading, coaching and mentoring coaches, scrum masters and change agents can also be challenging. Especially when they are moving beyond team coaching to focus on leaders.

I’ve coached, mentored and led coaches and scrum masters supporting as few as 2 teams to a group responsible for 125 teams. In that time, I’ve had many conversations with them about how to receive invitation with leaders and how to ensure that conversations with those leaders are impactful.

I’ve also directly coached and supported leadership teams at all levels within organizations, from managers supporting scrum teams to senior executive teams of major business units.

In this session you will hear real-world stories of coaching conversations with managers, leaders and executives. You’ll hear what worked, what didn’t and why. And you’ll hear key lessons learned that can be applied to your interactions with leaders.

Additionally you will hear the top questions and challenges that coaches, scrum masters and change agents raise as they navigate the challenges of effectively coaching leaders. I’ll share the techniques and perspectives that have helped them begin to move beyond coaching teams to coaching leaders.

The stories and lessons shared draw from experience with professional coaching, systems thinking and change theory. You will come away with new ideas to try the next time you’re working with a leader.


About Our Speaker:

David is an strengths-based executive, and leadership coach with a background as a technology leader. David helps product and technology leaders maximize their impact by growing and leading high-performing teams where innovation, healthy conflict, and ruthless prioritization unlock the potential for outsized results.

He’s worked in the areas of FinTech, Marketing Operations, eProcurement, and Charitable Giving.

He has spoken at Agile Alliance, TriAgile, TSQA and Southern Fried Agile on topics of invitation, influence, engaging developers in an agile transformation, simplicity in design and effective production support for agile teams.

He has published an experience report for Agile Alliance on his journey from developer to coach.
He writes at dfrink.com.


Register here: https://lithespeed.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvce2upzIsGN1wLEbHJSI9uXaimJQCZZ6v
