Has your organization lost its lovin’ feeling for Agile? 

Perhaps your customers are dissatisfied with the value they’re getting from your agile teams.  Maybe your agile team members are struggling to deliver measurable outcomes and business impact?

Or you’re faced with the looming disruption caused by generative AI, and your agile teams cannot rapidly innovate to adapt.

Is agile helping you stay truly nimble and resilient? 

Are you getting results despite investing in agile training and coaching? Or are you getting the sinking feeling that your scaled “agile” methods are themselves bloated and ineffective? 

Doubling down on agile without addressing systemic issues of legacy silo-based organizational structures, project-based mindsets, and bloated frameworks won’t bring back the agile love of speed, value, and innovation. Or the love for the agile way of working for that matter.

To develop true business agility, innovation, and resilience, we must systematically improve end-to-end flow, increase decision-making velocity and institutionalize agile governance.


The Agile VMO is a cross-functional leadership team that manages the flow of work from end to end, accelerates decision making, and enables adaptive governance. It is a flexible organizational construct that can be implemented in conjunction with all agile methods, including Scrum, SAFe, Kanban, and Disciplined Agile.

Join the Business Agility Institute for a Virtual Roundtable featuring Sanjiv Augustine, Bob Payne, and Raj Indugula from LitheSpeed. Learn how the Agile VMO can keep you on the leading edge of innovation, and help you deliver real customer value and business impact.

Bring back that lovin’ feeling before it’s gone, gone, gone.


Register for the roundtable:

