
We’re looking forward to hosting you at LitheSpeed’s Advanced ScrumMaster class!  

This class is meant to expand your coaching toolkit and provide personalized guidance on how to address some of your thorniest agile problems.  Regardless of your level of experience you should learn something new here; from the instructor, from the experience or from your peers.  We ask that you do just a bit of preparation so that we can customize the experience to you. 

Pre-Class Assignments

We ask that you do two quick things by way of preparation for class.  These should take less than half an hour in total:

1.     Fill out this Persona template. In it you will provide some details about yourself, what you’re hoping to achieve and some of your travails as a ScrumMaster, and we will use this information across several exercises to tune the class to your situation. If you don’t have access to a printer, just sketch this on a paper!

2.     Watch this video and consider which conductors you most resemble in your current role as a ScrumMaster or agile coach, and what this means.


More Resources to Explore

Obtaining Your A-CSM Certification

Once the class is over, you’ll have to do one more thing to finalize your certification:

  1. Log into your Scrum Alliance account.
  2. Click Add Work Experience on your Scrum Alliance Dashboard and write a few paragraphs about a year’s worth of experience as a ScrumMaster within the last five years.
  3. At that point you will officially earn your ACSM!

View Scrum Alliance FAQs about ACSM certification here.

Continuing Education Credits

Scrum Alliance SEUs

Your certification is active for 2 years, after which you’ll need to renew.  SEUs are earned at a rate of 1 credit per hour of active participation in agile activities such as those listed here: www.lithespeed.com/earn-seus

PMI Professional Development Units (PDUs)

For those who are members of the PMI, this class is worth 16 PDUs towards PMI continuing certification credits.

To claim your PDUs, please:

  1. Go to the following URL and Log In: https://ccrs.pmi.org/login/
  2. LitheSpeed is provider number “3504” – Here’s the course: https://ccrs.pmi.org/search/course/398182
  3. For help with PDUs, contact customercare@pmi.org

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about the class or your registration please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at training@lithespeed.com, and we’ll see you soon!

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